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Circulatory System Simulation Team Back to Member List
Visiting Researcher: Hao Liu To Downloads Overview of Research>>

Article List

(1) Waveform dependence of pulsatile flow in a stenosed channel: H. Liu and T. Yamaguchi, Trans. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 123, 88-96 (2001).
(2) Multi-scale modeling spanning from cell surface receptors to blood flow in arteries@N. N'Dri, W. Shy, H. Liu and R. Tran-Son-Tay, Modeling and Simulation of Capsulesand Biological Cells, Chapman & Hall/CRC (edited by C. Pozrikidis), 103-162 (2003).
(3) Influences of nonplanarity, bifurcations, dynamics, inflow and outflows on blood flow patterns in aorticarch: A multi-scale computational study, H. Liu, K. Fukasaku, H. Iwase, N. Matsunaga, Y. He, K. Yokoiand R. Himeno, Proceedgins of the 2003
(4) Multi-scale computational hemodynamics in cardiovascular system, H. Liu, W. Shyy, Kitawaki, and R. Himeno, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress of Biomechanics, (2002).

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