
J. Narracott |
of Medical Physics, University of Sheffield, UK
Visiting Research Fellow at RIKEN 1st October 2002
- 31st March 2003 |

of research: Development of a model for the
investigation of blood clotting in cerebral
aneurysms following coiling |

One of the methods
of treatment of intracranial aneurysms involves
packing of the aneurysm with small Guglielmi Detachable
Coils (GDC). This process aims to prevent flow within
the aneurysm by filling the aneurysm with coils
and thrombus [1].
The presence of the coil is thought to initiate
clotting within the aneurysm, although the exact
mechanisms behind this are unknown. Flow stasis
caused by the presence of the coil geometry
thrombogenicity of the coil itself [5],[6]
and the effects of electrothrombosis during
coil deployment [7]
are all thought to play some part in the progression
of clot formation.
A residence time based clotting model, previously
validated experimentally for a simple geometry,
was applied to the CFD analysis of an idealized
aneurysm geometry. Coil geometry was included in
an idealized form to allow the interaction of the
blood with the coil to be modeled. A novel approach
was employed using a combination of fluid residence
time and concentration of 'clottable' fluid to model
the change in viscosity of the fluid during the
clotting process.
The residence time was seen to increase local to
the coil geometry, which caused re-circulation of
the fluid. Initially the variation in residence
time throughout the aneurysm was minimal as the
flow has yet to become established. The residence
time increased steadily with time and then approached
a maximum value when the analysis time exceeded
the time for fluid to be convected from the inlet
to the site of the coil.
The concentration of ヤclottableユ fluid was seen
to increase in value close to the coil where the
source of clotting fluid was located. However, this
increase is seen to saturate as the change in concentration
becomes small with increase in analysis time. However,
the viscosity of the fluid does not saturate as
the concentration reaches its maximum value. This
is due to the continuing increase in residence time
between the cylinders of the coil. Eventually the
viscosity also tends to a maximum value as the residence
time becomes stable due to convective transport.
Although long residence times were observed at the
proximal side of the aneurysm the low values of
concentration in these areas ensured that fluid
viscosity remained low. It should be noted that
the absolute values of viscosity in this analysis
were much larger than those reported by Tippe et
al [8].
In order to produce results in agreement with experimental
blood clotting it would be necessary to modify the
scaling factors of the model. The relationship between
residence time, activated fluid concentration and
fluid viscosity is likely to be more complex than
the linear form used in these analyses. Experimental
comparison will be necessary to provide appropriate
data for model coefficients.
However, this model has produced results which contain
the features expected to occur in the clotting of
cerebral aneurysms. It should be noted that no areas
of high viscosity were observed in the parent vessel,
which would have been inevitable with the use of
a residence time-only model.
The exact mechanisms for growth and rupture of aneurysms
remain uncertain. Modifications to the pressure
and flow within the aneurysm by the insertion of
GDC coils are thought to be significant in reducing
rebleeding [9].
However, the genesis of thrombus formation within
the aneurysm is uncertain, although evidence that
thrombus generation is initiated by the coil itself
has been presented [1]-[3],[5],[7].
The model developed during the current study allows
clotting to be modelled taking into account both
the residence time of the fluid and the concentration
of the fluid available for clotting. This is a novel
approach which allows distinction between areas
where clotting is unlikely to occur such as the
parent vessel and areas prone to thrombus formation
such as the surface of the coil. In order for such
a model to be used as a predictive tool it is necessary
to apply it to realistic aneurysm geometries. High
quality fluid dynamics meshes of in vivo aneurysms
have been obtained recently by other authors [10]
and it is intended that similar methods will be
applied to patient data to develop the clotting
model further.
This work was supported by a travel grant from the
Royal Society of Engineering and research fellowship
funding from the RIKEN institute.

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